How to Remove Oil Film from Windshield?

Before taking your vehicle to the road, you will have to ensure that there is no substance or oil on the car windshield. Because when the windshield is oily or covered with other substances, it can affect the visibility and increase the probability of collision. But how will oil go from the engine to the windshield?

Over time, the vinyl and plastic components of your vehicle start to evaporate and accumulate on the car’s windshield. Thus, your vehicle’s windshield becomes oily and obstructs the view. Also, when you use auto detailing products in your vehicle, it can make the car’s windshield dirty.

So, how to remove oil film from windshields or other objects such as gum, bugs, spray paints, etc.?

how to remove oil film from windshield

How to Remove Oil Film from Windshield?

Before jumping into the procedure, you need to purchase a few products to clean the windshield. For example, you need to buy a lint-free towel to clean the oil film from the windshield. You should never use regular towels to clean the vehicle’s windshield. Because regular towels or paper towels have lint on them, and if you wipe the windshield with it, it will leave lint all over the windshield.

Also, you will need to purchase a car glass cleaner. However, you cannot use regular household glass cleaners to clean the car’s windshield. Because regular household glass cleaner has ammonia in it, and if you use such a glass cleaner on your vehicle, it will damage the vinyl and plastic components of your car. You can find vehicle glass cleaner in an automotive store. Just tell the shopkeeper to give you oil film remover for car glass cleaning. We recommend you purchase Invisible Glass Cleaner for cleaning your car’s windshield. Its unique dry formula helps remove stains from the windshield and leaves no drips. 

Process of Cleaning Greasy Windshield Outside

The outside of the car’s windshield also can get oily from bugs and asphalt. To remove the greasiness from the outside windshield, you will require lint-free towels and a windshield glass cleaner. At first, spray the windshield glass cleaner on the outside part of the windshield and allow it to mix with the grease. Now, use the lint-free towel and wipe in various directions. Reapply the windshield glass cleaner and wipe the windshield with another lint-free towel.

After wiping the entire windshield, you will have to let the windshield dry. You can use a buffing cloth to dry the windshield.

Cleaning Greasy Windshield Inside  

Before cleaning, you will have to cover the dashboard of your vehicle with an old towel. Then spray the windshield cleaner on your vehicle’s windshield. After spraying the windshield cleaner, keep it for a few minutes to penetrate the oil film. After five minutes, wipe the windshield with the lint-free towel in a horizontal motion. When you are done wiping the windshield, dry the windshield. And you are done.

Best Homemade Car Window Cleaner

Instead of purchasing windshield cleaner from a store, you can make your own car window cleaner at your home. For this, you will require ingredients such as isopropyl alcohol, distilled water, white vinegar, and a plastic spray bottle.

At first, take the plastic spray bottle and add distilled water to it. Then add isopropyl alcohol and white vinegar to the plastic spray bottle. Now, shake the spray bottle to mix the solution properly. Voila, your homemade car window cleaner is ready to use.

You can always keep one homemade car window cleaner in your vehicle. Thus, whenever you feel you are having visibility issues, you can wipe the windshield and remove grease from the windshield. However, while cleaning the windshield, always use a lint-free towel.

If you don’t have a lint-free towel nearby, you can use the same microfiber cloth that you use to clean the glass of your eyewear. However, this process of making glass cleaner can be complicated for many vehicle owners. So, if you don’t feel like making homemade car window cleaner, you can always purchase a windshield cleaner from a store.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cleaning Stains from the Car’s Windshield

1.  Can I use any regular towel to clean the windshield?

No, you will have to use a special towel or cloth to clean your vehicle’s windshield. For this, you will require a microfiber cloth. Using such a type of cloth won’t leave any lint behind on the windshield. But when you use regular towels to wipe the windshield, it will make the windshield even dirtier.

2.  How to clean spray paint from the vehicle’s windshield?

You can clean the spray paint from the windshield by using a plastic blade and an acetone nail polish remover. At first, take a plastic blade and scrape the paint. Then use the acetone nail polish remover on the spray-paint area. Now, use a microfiber or lint-free towel to wipe the windshield.

3.  How to peel gum from the windshield?

Compared to other objects, removing gum from the windshield is a bit difficult. At first, remove as much gum as possible from the windshield. Then take a plastic bag and put ice cubes in it. Now, hold it on the gum and put it there for a while. After that, peel the remaining gum from the windshield.

However, if the windshield is sticky, spray a bug remover on the windshield and wipe the windshield with a microfiber towel. 

4.  Is it possible to remove wiper marks from the windshield?

Yes, you can remove the wiper marks from the windshield by using an alcohol-based windshield cleaner. But at first, you will have to clean your vehicle’s wiper. Then apply the alcohol-based windshield cleaner to the glass and wipe it with a lint-free towel.


To clean the windshield, you should always use a microfiber cloth or lint-free towel. Also, you should never use household glass cleaner. Instead, it would be best if you only use cleaners that are specifically made for cleaning the windshield.

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Dan Jones is a car enthusiast and has been involved in the automotive industry for the last 10 years. He has a practical knowledge of vehicles and vehicle parts. Besides, he spends most of his time in the garage and deals with various car problems.

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