Why Is Porsche Oil Change So Expensive?

Porsche is one of the most luxurious car brands of all time. From the purchase to the maintenance, everything is more expensive than a traditional commercial car.

There are certain things you’ll have to do regularly & oil change is one of them. If you hadn’t used a Porsche car before & experienced the oil change cost, you’ll surely ask – Why is Porsche oil change so expensive?

Follow this article to know why the oil change of Porsche is so expensive compared to others. Without further ado, let’s get started.

why are porsche oil changes so expensive

Why Is Porsche Oil Change So Expensive

Porsche is a German car brand founded in 1931. Unlike Toyota or Honda, Porsche’s customer base wasn’t & isn’t the general class people. People who want something fancy & premium are the ideal customer of Porsche.

There is something called brand value & reputation. These matrices alone can easily accelerate the ordinary price by 2 to 3 times. Porsche has a great brand value & reputation & that’s why everything about their car is expensive – including oil change.

In the following segment, I’ll explain why exactly Porsche oil change costs $200 to $400, breaking down the costs thoroughly. 

How Much Does Porsche Oil Change Cost: Total Cost Breakdown

As you already know, brand value is why Porsche’s oil change is expensive. In this segment, you’ll see where your money goes when you take it to the dealership or independent mechanic.

The total cost of an oil change can be divided into three parts: Parts expenses, Labor expenses & Taxes.

Parts Expense

There are three main things required for doing a healthy oil change of Porsche & they are:

  1. Full Synthetic Oil.
  2. Oil Filter & Sealing Ring.
  3. Drain Plug Seal.

Full Synthetic Oil

Don’t cheap out on oil; buy the best synthetic oil for your Porsche. You can get Mobil 1, Redline or others. However, Redline is costlier than Mobil 1, but both of them are great.

On average, you will have to pay $48 to $80 for oil. For this price, you can have 6 to 10 Quarts of oil. You may find it even cheaper if you’re buying from a local shop on your own.

Oil Filter & Sealing Ring

You do need to change the oil filter & oil sealing ring while changing the oil of your Porsche car. Over time, these materials get weary & that’s why changing them is as important as changing the oil.

  • Dealership & Independent mechanic will charge you $30.
  • You can buy it yourself for less than $20.

Drain Plug Seal

The last material you’ll need is the drain plug seal. It’s the cheapest one on the list & it costs $4 according to the dealership & independent mechanic. But you can get it for around $2.

On the whole, the total cost of all the materials will be $82 to $114.

Note: The dealership & independent mechanic won’t accept parts from you. They will buy them on their own to earn extras from those parts too.

Labor Expense

Depending on where you go, you’ll have to pay $100 to $220 for labor fees. Let me clarify it for you:

  • If you’re handing this oil change task to a Porsche dealership, they will charge you $200+- for the labor fee.
  • If you’re giving this oil change task to an independent mechanic, he will charge you $200+- for the labor fee.

Taxes & Others

You may hide from everything but Taxes. Expect to pay 10% to 15% of the total cost as Taxes & other fees. This means you’ll have to pay $20 to $60 extra while doing an oil change for your Porsche car.

How Often Should I Change Porsche Oil?

Depending on your driving habit, you should change the oil every 10,000 miles or a year – whichever comes first. Don’t lengthen your oil change or cheap it out, because if something happens to your engine, expect to pay over $30,000 for the fixation.

Can I Do My Own Porsche Oil Change?

Seeing the high price of the oil change, you may think of  doing the labor job on your own. Fortunately, you can do the oil change if you’re a little educated or have a great guide on changing oil.

Note: You can’t change your car oil anywhere you like; you’ll have to find places where you can change car oil legally.

DIY – How To Change Porsche Oil at Home?

If you’re confident that you can change the oil with a bit of support from the web, you should do it. I’ll try to help you with that process.

Things You’ll Need:

  • Synthetic Oil, Like Mobil 1
  • Oil Filter & Sealing Ring
  • Drain Plug Seal
  • Oil Drain Plug
  • Oil Drain Pan
  • 36mm Socket
  • 8mm Allen Socket
  • Torque Wrench

Assuming you’ve all the materials you need, let’s give you a general idea of how to do the oil change on your own. Don’t worry; I’ll attach a video tutorial for you so that you can understand better.

Step 1: Place Your Oil Drain Pan Under The Drain Plug.

Step 2: Lean Over To Your Car & Remove The Oil Drain Plug.

Step 3: Loosen Your Oil Filter Cap.

Step 4: Replace The Oil Filter.

Step 5: Tighten Your Oil Filter Cap.

Step 6: Add The Oil Drain Plug & Refill Your Oil Pan With 6 to 10 Quarts.

Step 7: Clean Up Everything & You’re All Set.

Here’s the YouTube tutorial from Car Fanatic:

How to Change Engine Oil & Filter on a Porsche 911 (997 DIY Tutorial)

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Can I Do My Porsche Oil Change On My Own?

You can do your Porsche oil change on your own. Just make sure to buy genuine products from any trusted shop. Because you’ll have to pay a high repair price if you use some faulty products in your beloved Porsche.

How Much Does It Take To Change Oil In A Porsche Car?

Typically a Porsche oil change takes one hour or less. That’s why you have to pay $100 to $220 in labor fees – depending on wherever you take your car. This time & cost is almost compared to a Honda Civic oil change.

Why Should I Use Only Synthetic Oil in My Porsche?

Synthetic oil costs more & it’s the best type of oil you can give to your Porsche car. Everything goes smoothly with synthetic oil, from accelerating lubrication to lessening friction. These are the primary reasons why you should use synthetic oil in your Porsche car.


I hope this article was helpful enough to satisfy your query regarding the expensiveness of the Porsche oil change. I have tried my best to demonstrate why the cost is so high.

You’ll surely save hundreds of dollars if you change the oil on your own. However, if you’re not feeling comfortable – think nothing & take your car to the nearest dealership or independent mechanic.

Dan Jones is a car enthusiast and has been involved in the automotive industry for the last 10 years. He has a practical knowledge of vehicles and vehicle parts. Besides, he spends most of his time in the garage and deals with various car problems.

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